Choose Your Country


The United Kingdom boasts of harboring the best-known business schools in the World like "The Oxford University" and "London Business School". The soothing climate of The UK is very conducive to an efficient study environment and the colleges in The UK are among the most sought after in the World.


If you are one of those who seek a high quality of life above anything else, Canada is the place for you. It has been consistently ranked by the UN as the number one country in the world to live in. Having a large Asian Diaspora of students, Canada offers a truly international educational experience. Furthermore, the Canadian degree or diploma is instantly recognized around the world as being of the highest standard. And you get all this at a remarkably low cost, both in terms of cost of education and the cost of living. Tuition fees for international students in Canada are much lower than comparable countries


It is talked of as the land of dream fulfillment, of cutting edge quality, of mega bucks and life as you want it to be. Whatever you have heard about the U.S., it's true. And getting an education there is probably the simplest and most reputable way of being a part of the great American dream. And also, US education is eminently affordable, if done the right way.

Tab :hover

When designing the :hover and "active" states I had a dilemma.

<li id="li-for-panel-1">
  <label class="panel-label" for="panel-1-ctrl">CSS Radio Toggles</label>

Each tab li has a border-right. But when the additional border-top appears, we dont want the lighter border-right to be shown all the way to the top. The fix for this is to cancel the border-right on both the :hover and "active" state as well as style the li's next sibling's border-left.

To do this, we can use a combination of the siblings after ~ and sibling next + selectors:

/* remove the right border on "active" state */
#panel-1-ctrl:checked ~ #tabs-list #li-for-panel-1 {
  border-right: none;
/* add left to next sibling */
#panel-1-ctrl:checked ~ #tabs-list #li-for-panel-1 + li {
  border-left: 1px solid #dfdfdf;


On small screens, the tabs fold down into an expandable menu. To trigger the menu, I use a checkbox (note that it appears at the top of the screen on smaller screen sizes). There are two labels that trigger this checkbox. One opens and the other closes the menu. The one that opens is absolutely positioned invisibly over the "active" menu item. The closing label is at the bottom of the open menu.

The best way I have found to show and hide content without using absolute positioning is to use a combination of max-height and opacity. When "inactive", the content has a max-height: 0 and opacity: 0.

It also has a transition: opacity when I don't know the future height (this panel's content for example) and transition: opacity, max-height when I do know the future height (like the menu). When "active", the max-height and opacity get positive values and the content will transition in. I'm sure flexbox could get me around this hack, but this works for now.